Rivina humillis

Rivina humillis

Scientific Name

Rivina humillis

Phytolaccaceae, Livina
Dotted with glossy, red berries, this vividly colored plant blooms continuously from spring to autumn.
Meticulously arranged to thrive in in-ground arrangements placed in partial shade or adorning windowsills and entryways as moss balls or in decorative pots.

Other Names Rouge plant, Bloodberry, Pigeonberry, Baby peppers
Flowering Season April to October
Shipping Season August to October
Suitable for Indoor/Outdoor potted plants in semi-shade, arrangements, moss balls
Placement April to October: Indoors (windowsill, front entryway, kitchen)
Outdoors in semi-shade (balcony, terrace, garden)
November to March: Indoors.
水やり April to October: Indoors (windowsill, front entryway, kitchen)
Outdoors in semi-shade (balcony, terrace, garden)
Light Indoors, in soft sunlight or through lace curtains. Outdoors in semi-shade(June to September)
Care Solid fertiliser once a month. (Not required from October to March)
Prune branches to shape appearance as needed.
Product range No. 3 pot, No. 3.5 hard pot, No. 4 plastic pot, moss ball
Fruit colors Red, yellow, orange, pink (peaches)